Metrics: Rest


As the name suggests, the Rest displays information pertinent to the rest periods, if present. It is displayed in mm: ss format.

To ensure athletes and coaches easily identify rest periods, the information displayed at this metric changes depending on whether the workout is on an interval or a rest period.

During the Interval

Before the workout starts and during an interval, it displays the next rest period in the mm: ss format.

Rest on the Table View before the workout
Rest on the Grid View before the workout

During the Rest

When on the rest period, the metric changes to display a countdown to the end of the current rest period, and the TIME column will display the word REST to indicate it is on the intervals' rest.

Rest perido on the Table View
Rest period on the Grid View
Rest period on the Live View - Tile
Rest period on the Live View - List

No Rest

A - (dash) is displayed when the interval has no rest, as shown in the screenshot below.

Rest metric when the interval doesn't have a rest period.
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