
ErgZone is the ONLY mobile app that allows coaches and athletes to program a custom MultiErg workout.

You can specify a different erg for each interval and connect to 2 or all 3 Concept2 ergs via Bluetooth: row, ski, and bike.

Results are uploaded to the Concept2 Logbook as MultiErg.

MultiErg workouts are available to ErgZone+ members and Group owners

Create a MultiErg Workout

The options available when you create or edit a MultiErg workout are very similar to a regular (one erg) workout, except:

  • You choose one erg per interval.
  • Rest on MultiErg workout is called Suggested Rest.
  • MultiErg workouts require at least 2 intervals.
  • Two subsequent intervals with the same Erg Type aren't allowed. Here is an example of an invalid workout:
    Interval 1: Row
    Interval 2: Row

    a) A Ski or Bike interval must be added between those 2 Row intervals
    b) Interval 1 or 2 must be a Ski or Bike workout

Here is how to create a MultiErg workout:

  1. Open the ErgZone app.
  2. Click on the Workouts tab.
  3. Click on the (+) plus sign on the top right of the screen. 
  4. Expand the field "Workout Type."
  5. Select "MultiErg"
  6. Click on the "New Interval" button.
  7. Select the erg type: Row, Ski or, or Bike
  8. Provide the other interval details, if any. 
  9. Click on the "Close" button.
  10. Repeat instructions 6 to 9 to all subsequent intervals. 
To learn more about the available fields when creating an interval visit to the  How do I create a workout  article. 

Rest on MultiErg Workout

  • The time to transition between ergs is accounted as "Rest" time. 
  • On MultiErg workouts, the rest specified is not enforced by the ErgZone app or the PM5.
    The app will display a countdown, but the athlete can start the next interval at any time, even when the total rest has not been fulfilled. 
    For that reason, on MultiErg workout, the field rest is called "Suggested Rest."
    The video below demonstrates how the ErgZone app displays the rest during the MultiErg workout.  

Once the suggested rest (20 seconds) has reached 0, the ErgZone app will start to display how long it has been since the athlete finished the interval. 

Last Interval Rest

No Suggested Rest Provided

When suggested rest is NOT provided pm the last interval, the app will stop the workout as soon as the interval ends. This video demonstrates it:

Suggested Rest Is Provided

When suggested rest IS provided pm the last interval, the app will keep running the workout until the athlete stops the workout on the app or the PM5.

Note that the ErgZone app has a countdown to the rest. When it reaches 30 seconds, it keeps going. If the athlete doesn't want the extra rest after the last interval (erg), ensure Suggested Rest on the last interval is not present. This video demonstrated it:

Connecting a MultiErg Workout to the PM5s 

The only difference from connection to a MultiErg workout is that the athlete will connect to all the ergs before starting the workout. 

IMPORTANT: Please follow the correct erg type specified by ErgZone, which will be the order listed on the workout. 

For this article, we will use the following MultiErg workout as an example:


- 15 cals row
- 15 cals ski
- 15 cals bike

Based on the example, it will prompt you to connect to the RowErg, the SkiErg, and the BikeErg, in this order. 

Here is how it works:

  1. Click on the "Connect" button.
  2. Click on the "MultiErg Connect" button.
  3. Select the RowErg
  4. Select the SkiErg
  5. Select the BikeErg
  6. Start to Row 

Watch the video below to see it in action. 

Heart Rate Monitor 

Can I use HRM (Heart Rate Monitor) during MultiErg Workouts? 


Just like a regular workout (one erg), you should connect the HRM to all the ergs before connecting the ErgZone app to all PM5. 

Learn how to connect HRM to the PM5 on Heart Rate Monitor article. 


The screenshot of MultiErg workouts looks the same as any other erg workout on ErgZone, with the added erg icon on the left representing what erg type (row, ski, bike) was used at each interval.

Learn more about Screenshot on ErgZone on the Workout Screenshot article.

Concept2 Logbook: Ergathlon Ranked Pieces

It is important to say that the MultiErg workouts on ErgZone are controlled by the ErgZone app. 

If you wish to do one of the PM5 listed (official) Ergathlon and rank it on the Logbook, we recommend you do it on directly on the PM5 or using the ErgData app. 

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