Integrations: Strava

ErgZone integrates with Strava. Once connected (*), any workout completed using ErgZone will sync directly to Strava, making it easier to track progress.

This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough on how to link your ErgZone account to Strava.

  1. Open the ErgZone app.
  2. Tap on Settings

  3. Scroll to the "Integrations" section and tap to enable "Strava"

  4. This will open the Strava website
  5. Sign in with your Strava Account

  6. Authorize ErgZone to connect to Strava.

  7. Join the ErgZone club on Strava

  8. Go back to the ErgZone app

    The Strava option will be enabled, and the Strava username and ID will be displayed.

(*) Strava Integration is part of the ErgZone+ package.

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