Create Private Training Plans

ErgZone+ members can create a (private) Training Plan.

A Training Plan is a structured set of workouts organized by week and days.

It is ideal when you have a set of workouts that must be done in a specific order.

A good example is the 2k Plan, 5k Plan, Sprints, Half Marathon, etc. 


ErgZone tracks athletes' performances throughout the training plan and provides summaries to help athletes (and coaches) gauge their progress. 

Athletes may use the app connected to the ergometer monitor during the workout or program it manually on the machine and report their results manually on the ErgZone app.

The screenshots below demonstrate how training plans are displayed and how the screen changes as they work their way through them. 

How to Start a Training Plan? 

  1. Visit the ErgZone Web Admin
  2. Sign in with your account
  3. Click on the "New Group" button

  4. Select the "Plan" tab

  5. Provide the plan's length (in weeks)
  6. Provide a name, select features
  7. Click the "Save" button

Adding workouts to a training plan

  1. Visit the ErgZone Web Admin
  2. On the Menu, select your training plan
  3. Select the "Workouts" tab
  4. Click on the "New Workout" button

You must provide each workout's Week, Day, Title, and intervals.

Fields Explained


Select the week the workout belongs to.

A dropdown will be provided from 1 - number of weeks for the training plan provided when you created the plan.

Day: Select the day (1-7).

If your training plan requires a rest day on a specific day, you can skip that day when adding the workouts. 

For example:

Day 1 - Workout 1

Day 2 - Rest 

Day 3 - Workout 2

When looking at the schedule, the app will list the workouts as follows:

Day 1 - Workout 1 

Day 3 - Workout 2 


Check this option if this workout is optional. 

Optional workouts will not interfere with the progress calculation even if the athlete (you) does not perform the session. 

Workout type

Select erg type


Provide the workout title. 

If more than one workout is specified for a given day, please remember that the workout will be ordered alphabetically. 


Labels optional and can be used to categorize workouts.

For example: short, medium, long. Sprint, Endurance, Steady State. Etc.


Use this field to describe the workout.


Provide one or more intervals.

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