23/09/25: Client Testimonial

Last week, ErgZone user Ella Fox posted about achieving the perfect ErgZone Challenge #2 score after many attempts.

In her post, she mentioned she had never concentrated so hard on a row before and how this experience helped widen her rowing horizon, exemplifying what ErgZone represents.

ErgZone was built to support athletes in enhancing their efficiency, assessing their performances, facilitating community building, exploring new ways to train, encouraging fun, and challenging themselves. Our tools for coaches and competition organizers are invaluable for gathering information, analyzing results, empowering athletes, and expanding their coaching and business.

From Ella:

“If I fail, try try again.” I have tried the @ergzone challenge #2 so many times and finally got a perfect score tonight. The challenge is a 23 minute row with each minute trying to match the same # of meters and strokes per minute as the first minute. When it first came out I thought a good score for me would be a 3 and that’s what I got! I had never tried rowing for consistency before, I thought the point of rowing was to try to go fast. I don’t think I’ve ever concentrated so hard in a row before- I’m definitely learning and expanding my rowing horizons.”

As they say, practice makes perfect. Great job, Ella. @ellafoxrow

View original post on our Instagram channel: https://www.instagram.com/p/CxoDDSxtpy2/?hl=en

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