How to Schedule a Live Race

On ErgZone, every workout can have a Leaderboard and be turned into a Live Race. This article describes how a race organizer can manage a race on ErgZone.

Before Race Day

We recommend that organizers schedule a live event to let athletes know when the race will start. While this is not required, it works as a reminder to athletes before the race day.

Race Day

Organizers can control when the race starts, so they must set an official countdown on race day.

Schedule Live Races

  1. Open the ErgZone app.
  2. Find the workout/race.
  3. Click on more (3 dots) on the workout card. 

  4. Click on the "Schedule Live" button.

  5. Provide a title, date, and time. 

    Set the time based on your current time zone.

  6. Click on the "Save" button.

  7. The live schedules will be displayed on the workout card.

    The ErgZone app will automatically display the date and time based on the viewers' local time zone. 

  8. Repeat items 3 to 7 for each heat. 

Scheduling Multiple Heats

If the event has multiple heats, event organizers should schedule a different "live" for each heat. 

In the example below, the heat starts as follows:

  • All Women race:10 AM 
  • Men's Great Grand Masters and Grands Masters: 10:15 AM
  • Men's Masters, Open, and Juniors: 10:15 AM

Update A Schedule

  1. Open the ErgZone app.
  2. Find the schedule
  3. Update the title, date, or time.
  4. Click on the "Save" button.

Manage the Race Start

ErgZone allows race organizers to ensure all athletes start the race on a specific date and time.

  1. Open the ErgZone app or the ErgZone Web Admin
  2. Find or create the workout/race.
  3. Set the workout to "Controlled Race."

    If you can't see this option, you can contact us at

Race Day

When a workout is set to "Controlled Race," athletes can connect the workout and have their PM5 set for the Race, but the ErgZone app will display a message to let them know they should "Wait for Organizer."

Official Countdown

On race day, the event organizer must start the official countdown on the ErgZone Web Admin.

All athletes will view this countdown on their ErgZone app.

False Start

If the racer starts the Race during the countdown, the system will count a False Start, wait for the flywheel to be idle, and reset the workout.

If racers have a false start too close to the Race of the Race, the system may need more time to reset the workout, and the racer may miss the start.

Go Time

When the countdown ends, the message will change to "Go," and racers have 5 seconds to start the workout.

Missing the Race Start

Once the countdown is over, racers have 5 seconds to start the Race, or they won't be able to join it.

Set the Countdown to Start the Race

  1. Open the ErgZone Web Admin
  2. Click on the "Workouts" tab
  3. Click on the Race
  4. Click on the "Open Live" button

  5. You can just select a countdown for the Race.

    Available options: 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 hour.

  6. Click on the "Start Countdown" button
  7. The countdown will be displayed.

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